How to Get Rid of an 'Asleep' Foot

Foot problem

Paresthesia, also known as an "asleep foot," or "that pins and needles" feeling, is pretty annoying, especially when you don't know how to get rid of it. Thankfully, there are some cures that have been tried and are true for paresthesia, and they're listed here.


1) Identify exactly where it hurts. Paresthesia might not occur at just the feet - it could have spread from your foot through your leg. Before you do anything, identify just where the paresthesia lies. Helping it can differ based on where it is on the body.


Change your position. When your foot is asleep, you're most likely sitting on it in a funny way that has cut off the circulation in your foot, thus making it tingle or feel numb. If you're in the early stages of a "sleepy foot", simply shifting your weight off of your foot should do the trick.

3) Get some circulation flowing. If the paresthesia in question is at the legs or feet, just get up and walk around, to get that blood flowing. If your foot has fallen asleep really badly, there might be some pain and numbness for a couple of minutes. Have no fear as the pain will pass - just stay standing for a while. If it hurts too badly to move around on the foot, just stand up instead of walking around. In a few minutes, the numbness should be gone.

4) Cool it down. Cool it down. If nothing else works, locate the area and blow cold air at it. To take it a step further, lick the numb area and then blow cold air on it. This may sound gross, but it really works!

5) Go see a doctor. If paresthesia lasts for an unusually long time, see a doctor. Paresthesia may be a symptom of rare diseases, so if it lasts for more than one or two days, get to a doctor!



  • Stretch out your leg and/or stand up to make sure you have adequate circulation.
  • Try to think about something else while waiting.
  • Stomping usually doesn't work. Just be patient.

  • If 'asleep foot' lasts for an exceptionally long time, see a doctor. 
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How to Reduce Pimple Redness and Size (Aspirin Method)

Acne treatment


You went to bed with clear and glowing skin, but when you awaken, you find a huge, monster zit ready to take over your face! Hurry, get the aspirin! No, not to soothe the headache you're getting from imagining how people will react when they see this mountain on your face. Aspirin is an anti-inflammatory, so you can put it right on the pimple to reduce redness and swelling. Here's how.

1) Place an aspirin tablet (or as many as necessary) in water and stir or shake. You'll need about 2-3 parts water to 1 part aspirin. There is no need to pre-crush the aspirin. It will naturally dissolve when immersed in water. (Contrary to popular belief, you can use coated or uncoated aspirin without adverse effects.)

2) Mix the crushed aspirin with enough water to make a thick, somewhat gritty paste. It shouldn't take more than a few drops.

3) Apply the paste directly on the pimple(s). Make sure to use a clean Q-tip, or, if you prefer to use a finger, wash it thoroughly with soap and / or rubbing alcohol first to ensure that you don't add new bacteria to your skin.

4) Let the aspirin sit on the spot(s) as long as you can. Usually, the paste will dry in less than a half hour and begin to flake off. Use a clean, wet tissue to remove the aspirin in as few wipes as possible. This can also be an opportunity for light exfoliation.


  • Clean your face before applying the paste.
  • An alternative is to make a mask instead of a spot treatment. This involves crushing several aspirin tablets, mixing with water and sometimes other ingredients (like honey) and spreading the mixture on your entire face.
  • The active ingredient in aspirin, acetylsalicylic acid, is very similar to (though not the same as) salicylic acid, which is used in anti-acne treatments.
  • Uncoated aspirin is easier to crush.


  • Since you can absorb chemicals through your skin and the long term impacts of applying aspirin topically are unknown, it's not recommended that you make a habit of this.
  • Though rare, some are allergic to aspirin. Check to see if you are by testing the aspirin spot treatment behind your ear.
  • Do not try this with other pain relievers. Only use 100% aspirin. This method will not work with acetaminophen (Tylenol), ibuprofen (Advil), or most other common pain relievers. Do not use combination pain relievers such as Excedrin.
  • Aspirin is related to tinnitus, a ringing in the ears. If you already experience ringing in the ears, you should avoid this procedure.
  • Do not use this method if you have Reye's syndrome, have consumed large amounts of alcohol, are pregnant or breast-feeding, or take other medications. 
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How to Drink Tea to Lose Weight

Tea for lossing weight

Numerous scientific studies have shown that tea drinkers, specifically green tea drinkers lose weight faster than those who don’t. According to a study by Abdul Dulloo, from the Institute of Physiology at the University of Fribourg in Switzerland, the plant compound EGCG found in green tea, plus caffeine, increases thermogenesis by 84 percent. Thermogenesis is the generation of body heat that occurs as a result of normal digestion, absorption, and metabolization of food. Green tea also increases your levels of norepinephrine, which prepares your body to burn fat for the "fight or flight" response.

While not every researcher believes that green (or other) tea drinking is a “magic bullet” for weight loss, nearly every weight loss expert would agree that flooding your system with water or drinking tea versus eating a candy bar or drinking soda can help move the digestion process along quickly and perhaps distract you from munching snacks that aren't healthy.

1) Find a tea you enjoy. Find a tea you enjoy. While Dulloo's study referred specifically to green tea as having weight loss properties, it's important to find a tea (green or otherwise) that you enjoy drinking. And some green teas are quite strong in flavor and can be unpleasant if you're not used to them, while others are truly delightful even for a beginner in green tea drinking. Here are some options to try:

Flavored green teas. Both green and white (which has antioxidant properties as well but is more expensive) are offered in a bevy of flavors. For best results, consider choosing a green or white tea that contains caffeine (according to the research, a caffeine-based tea provides maximum calorie burn).

For individual green tea types, see the section on choosing your green tea in the article How to brew green tea; this article provides a detailed rundown of the different types of green tea and their properties.

Herbal teas. Herbal teas come in a variety of delectable flavors ranging from spicy orange to jasmine. Rooibos (red tea) is another good herbal tea choice. Since herbal teas are typically decaffeinated, they can be used as a late night treat or in between drinking caffeinated teas.
Diet teas. While diet tea tastes similar to many black or herbal teas, diet teas may contain a laxative element, so you should drink these teas in moderation, especially if your tea contains senna, aloe, rhubarb root, buckthorn, or castor oil. Experts warn against drinking too many cups of diet tea because you could develop vomiting, nausea, persistent diarrhea, abdominal cramps, and even fainting and dehydration.
Black (English) tea. Black or English tea has been a popular choice for numerous tea drinkers across the globe. Although black tea can be obtained in a decaffeinated form, trace amounts of caffeine may still remain, which can have an impact on those who want to fall asleep at night.

2) Make tea drinking easy. Make tea drinking easy. One hurdle some people face is that brewing tea, while not an incredibly arduous process, may not be as easy as they’d like it to be. While you can brew a quick cup of tea in the microwave (pour water into a ceramic cup and heat for two minutes until boiling, then add your teabag), you can make the process even easier: 

Purchase an electric teakettle. Electric teakettles are readily available at many bath and kitchen stores, ranging in price and are extremely easy to use. Fill with water and push a button or lever to boil water. You can brew tea by the cup or add several tea bags to the entire pot once the water has boiled. Keep a thermos as well for the additional boiled water. Fill with water, add the green tea and keep by the kettle or your desk for ease of pouring a tea when needed.

Buy an iced tea maker. During warmer months, drinking hot tea may not sound like fun, however you can still consume just as much tea by using an iced tea maker. Like the electric teakettle, simply fill the machine with water; add ice (according to the manufacturer’s directions) and teabags. Turn it on and begin drinking fresh iced tea in a matter of minutes.
Brew iced tea the night before for quick access during the day. If you don’t have a few minutes to brew your iced tea that day, make it at night and keep a pitcher of tea in your refrigerator. Instead of bringing a few sodas to work, consider filling a large thermos with iced tea and keep it on hand throughout the day.

3) Create a tea drinking routine. Create a tea drinking routine. Like any new habit, you have to infuse tea drinking into your daily routine in order for it to be effective: 

Substitute morning coffee for tea. Start your day with a fresh cup of tea instead of usual Joe. Tea drinkers can also save calories, especially when ordering at a coffee house. Some coffee house drinks contain hundreds of calories whereas with tea, what you see is what you get.

Ask for iced tea (unsweetened) instead of soda for lunch and dinner. Sugary or even diet sodas have been known to actually have the opposite effect on weight loss. The sodium in diet soda can make you retain water, so opt for the smart alternative––sugar-free iced tea. Iced tea is also ideal because if you're looking for a little caffeinated pick-me-up during the afternoon, iced (or hot) tea will give you the same effect without the sugar in regular soda or the sodium in diet.

Have a warm cup of tea to satisfy an afternoon craving. Although the chips or cookies in the vending machine may be calling your name, make yourself a cup of tea instead. If you go for the tea, the EGCG properties found in green tea actually have a glucose-lowering effect, which influences cravings and may help control hunger. Moreover, the ritual involved in making tea (as opposed to shoving coins into a vending machine) gives you a welcome break from your chores or work and you can reflect on good thoughts, as well as making conscious choices to put good things into your body instead of empty calories from candy bars. Take a moment to chat to someone else who is in the tearoom with you, and it's a great way to unwind, stretch and socialize in the space of five minutes!

Before bed, have a cup of herbal (decaf) tea. Regardless of your weight loss goal, having a warm cup of herbal tea to end the day can help to relax your body and brain. Because a good night’s sleep contributes to shedding weight, set yourself up for a successful sleep with tea. However, don't drink tea too close to bedtime; otherwise you’ll end up having to make trips to the bathroom and disrupt your sleep, especially if you're pregnant or suffering from incontinence issues. 


4) Recognize that your taste buds may get bored with drinking one type of tea. Recognize that your taste buds may get bored with drinking one type of tea. As with any food, you may get bored drinking the same flavor of tea. In order to stick to your routine, mix it up and try different teas, flavors and enhancements. It can be a lot of fun making a tea selection in your home or office cupboard, allowing you to choose a tea flavor according to the mood you're in. 

Add honey or rock candy sticks to your tea. Keep in mind though that doing this will go against your initiative to lose weight––but a little honey or sweetness may make the tea taste better. Perhaps as an occasional treat, this one won't hurt.

Try a splash of fat free flavored cream or a squirt of lemon for a zestier tea. A slice of lemon can help improve the flavor. Plus, one study found that those who drink black tea with lemon peel have 70 percent reduced likelihood of developing skin cancer.

Explore new tea flavors. The sky is the limit when it comes to trying different flavored teas. In order to stay true to your diet only select tea you have to brew yourself instead of a pre-made tea. Some of the pre-made coffees and teas have a tremendous amount of sugar––not diet friendly. Explore the huge variety of teas sold in tea stores and on supermarket shelves. There are many brands and many sources of tea, and it's unlikely you'll ever taste them all. Learning about new tea varieties, flavors and styles is a lot of fun for the tea enthusiast.

Add spices for sugar-free changes to the tea flavor.
Use teas that are flavored with foods you like. That way, you can get the taste without the calories.

5) Drink tea mindfully. Drink tea mindfully. Dieting is often about overcoming your mind's tendency to crave and to feel deprived. Mindfulness can help to restore conscious eating habits and can help you to remain calm and in control about your food choices.


  • Researchers at the University of Maryland Medical Center suggest drinking two to three cups of green tea a day to see health benefits and/or weight loss results.
  • Stick to your diet by drinking tea plain or with fat free milk or a sugar substitute.
  • Reduce your diet by 500 calories per day to truly see weight loss results.
  • Add a daily fitness routine to rev up your metabolism. If you’ve never worked out before, try 30 minutes of brisk walking.
  • Many teas have a range of benefits, including protection your heart, preventing tooth decay, elevating your sense of well-being, protecting you from diseases, etc. It's important to read more about the individual teas you choose, as the benefits will vary.


  • With any new diet and fitness plan, consult with your doctor first. Each individual is different in their specific requirements, so you are responsible for finding out your own.
  • If you become a tea enthusiast, space for all your tea can become a bit of an issue. Make room somewhere in your kitchen or pantry and stick to limits.
  • Tea is only fresh for a limited period of time. Avoid drinking stale tea and rotate the tea to ensure the oldest tea is consumed before fresher teas. Buying less tea can help ensure that you're not drinking stale tea.
  • Some herbal tea can be harmful to some people, so be sure to know what is in the tea. Avoid tea made from comfrey, which contains Pyrolizidine alkoloids, which harm the liver. Internal consumption of comfrey is banned in many countries.
  • Excessive consumption of tea can lead to interference with iron absorption.
  • Excessive tea drinking may stain your teeth. Be prepared to use whitening products if you like a white smile.
  • Caffeine can interfere with sleep. Don't drink or eat caffeine within three hours of bed.
  • Drinking more than 3 cups of tea per day may cause dental and sleep problems.
  • If you have trouble sleeping, avoid caffeine past four in the afternoon, including more than 1 cup of tea a day.

 Things You'll Need

  • Variety of teas
  • Tea drinking equipment 

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How to Reduce Hair Loss

Hair loss

When hair starts falling out, it can seem like the end of the world. Follow these tips to try and reduce it as much as possible.


1) Try to identify when the hair loss started and if you changed anything with your hair. For example, if you started straightening it or if you started applying lots of mousse. It is likely that this could be the reason. If you find it was due to the use of these things then stop using them.

2) Stick to one shampoo or shower gel. If it is repeatedly changed it could cause damage to your hair as shampoos aren't natural, you would be adding more and more chemical products in your hair which could damage them and cause them to fall out.

3) Oiling the hair also helps with coconut oil for example. By doing this, when you go out the pollution in the environment won't stick straight onto your hair and damage it. It will stick to the oil instead which can be washed off when you get home.

4) Wash your hair regularly, unclean hair could contain lots of damaging things. Frequent washing can help keep hair clean and healthy.

5) Wash your hair with warm to normal temperature water.Too much hot water can also damage the hair.

6) Try and reduce stress or anxiety that is getting to you. Tension and anxiety do not help as you will be so worried your body won't be mentally healthy so this will lead to physical deterioration too which includes hair loss.

7) Do daily scalp massages as it will increase blood flow in the scalp, sending it to the hair follicles to help stimulate growth.

8) Try to use more herbal products, avoid using chemical products. They can damage hair.


  • Try not to use straighteners, curlers or other chemical products such as dyes excessively, these can damage your hair if used too frequently.
  • Oiling your hair can help keep hair healthier.
  • Stick to one shampoo or gel.
  • As you get older, your hair gets weaker so don't be too worried if a few strands of hair falling occasionally.
  • Try to relax and have an optimistic view on things. A healthy mind leads to a healthy body.
  • Doing 'Headstand' pose of yoga for about a minute daily reduces the hair fall. But please consult your doctor before doing this pose.


  • If you have tried all of the above methods and nothing seems to be working, see your doctor as in some cases it could be a symptom of a more serious problem.

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How to Make Your Eyes Look Brighter

eye care

If you're feeling tired and you've stared at a computer screen too long or you're simply fighting off a cold, your eyes might start to look really red. Here's a simple three-step plan to make them sparkle again.


  • A lack of water can make your eyes look really tired, so drink six to eight glasses of water every day to keep the redness away.
  • Empty an ice cube tray into a sink of cold water and soak a towel in it. Wring the cold towel out, than lie downn and place it over your eyes for five minutes. If the towel gets too warm, soak it in the ice water again and repeat.
  • Apply a dot of pale, pearly eyeshadow on the skin at the inner corner of your eye and just above your pupil. This will make your eyes look wider and brighter even if you're still sleepy.

How to Deal with Foot Cramps

Foot Cramp

Have you got a cramp in your foot? A cramp is a common muscular pain. By following these steps, the pain should ease in no time.



Put weight on the painful footPut your entire body weight on the front of the painful foot as soon as you feel it start to hurt. Lift the other foot completely off the ground.


Walk aroundTry to walk the pain off once the first spasm has passed.


Take off your shoes and socksRemove shoes, socks or any other garments which may affect the cramp.


 Sit or bend downSit down, still keeping weight on the front of your foot.


Flex forward

Bend backFlex your toes. Lift the front of your foot slightly off the ground, resting your heel on the floor. Curl your toes away from you and towards the floor, then pointing them back towards you. Repeat this several times until the pain of the cramp eases. [Note: This may worsen some types of foot cramps; in that case, skip curling the toes forward.]


Massage the affected areaMassage the affected area with your fingers when the spasm eases, until your foot feels relaxed.


Pull your toes back with your handPull your toes back towards you as far as they will go if the pain persists. Use your hands to pull the toes towards you and hold them there momentarily.

8) Apply heat to the area affected. Microwaving a wet washcloth for a few seconds and applying it can help relieve foot and leg cramps.


  • It may help to drink a large amount of water immediately after experiencing the cramp.
  • If the pain still does not go away, repeat all of the steps, or seek medical attention if pain continues to get worse over several hours.
  • Rub a bar of soap on your foot. If you get foot cramps at night, rubbing a bar of soap against the bottom of the cramping foot can provide relief. While there is no scientific evidence for this, it is typically a household item, and may be worth trying.
  • Tight shoes can cause muscle cramping, especially if you exercise for an extended period of time in them. Try loosening the laces or getting better-fitting shoes.[1]
  • Drinking tonic water before bed or upon rising may ease or prevent cramps since tonic water contains quinine, a drug often prescribed for malaria and sometimes for leg cramps. While the FDA warns not to use prescribed doses of quinine for leg cramps[2] tonic water has only minute amounts of quinine (which reduces risk, but may also reduce effectiveness).
  • Muscle cramps can be a result of low potassium levels in the body. Eating foods rich in potassium, such as bananas or baked potatoes, can help relieve cramps.[3]
  • Put an ice bag in the affected area.
  • Another great idea is to put 5-10 marbles on the floor and simply pick them up with your toes and release. This will enhance circulation and stretch muscles you never use.


  • If you suffer with recurring cramps, contact your doctor. Cramping can be caused by some medications and health conditions.[4]